Mentor Capital Seeds Glaucoma – Cannabis Venture

Contract Signed for Medical Marijuana Application to Glaucoma
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Mentor Capital, Inc. (OTCQB: MNTR) announces it has initiated funding for its GlauCanna venture for the use of medical marijuana in the treatment of glaucoma patients. Mentor will provide funding and business management for any commercial development and holds an 80% interest. Dr. Robert M. Mandelkorn, an ophthalmologist specializing in glaucoma, holds 20% and provides the medical leadership for the venture. Dr. Mandelkorn is a patent holder and has authored or contributed to thirty-seven professional articles and five books in the glaucoma or related fields.
Mentor CEO, Chet Billingsley explains, “All current medicines in the $2.4 billion glaucoma market act on the same receptor family to reduce the intra-ocular pressure. Once that receptor is saturated, no further progress is made and pressure often increases again, destroying vision. Surgically installing valves in the eye or drilling out drainage pathways with a laser also often have time limited effectiveness. By leveraging the alternative receptor pathway of certain cannabis components Dr. Mandelkorn has observed a 40% reduction in intra-ocular pressure, back into the normal range, amongst patients that had otherwise saturated their existing eye medicine effectiveness. In an illustrative layman’s example, a patient at the limit of other medication effectiveness had vision with corrected glasses reduced to 20/200 because of glaucoma damage. After a particular two week medical marijuana regime, the vision improved to 20/50 with observed tissue healing.”
“One of GlauCanna’s first steps will be the completion of its dose response curve study which Mentor Capital is now funding,” says Billingsley. “I look forward to presenting some of the medical results at forums within the cannabis community, while Dr. Mandelkorn introduces some of the impressive cannabis results to medical community.” Dr. Mandelkorn concludes, “We look forward to delivering the great promise of medical marijuana in the treatment of glaucoma patients and are most pleased to be working with Mentor Capital, Inc. on this exciting venture.”
About Mentor Capital: The Company seeks to come alongside and assist private medical marijuana and cannabis companies and their founders in meeting their liquidity and financial objectives, to add protection for investors and to help incubate private cannabis companies. Additional important information for investors is presented at:
This press release is neither an offer to sell, nor a solicitation of offers to purchase, securities.
Forward Looking Statements: This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including statements concerning financial projections, financing activities, corporate combinations, product development activities and sales and licensing activities. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results or performance, are sometimes identified by words of condition such as “should,” “could,” “expects,” “may,” “intends,” “seeks,” “looks,” “moves,” or “plans” and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, known and unknown, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those intended or anticipated. Such risks include, without limitation: nonperformance of investments, partner and portfolio difficulties, potential delays in marketing and sales, problems securing the necessary financing to continue operations, problems involving continued illegality of cannabis products, potential of competitive products, services, and technologies, difficulties experienced in product development, in recruiting knowledgeable personnel, in collecting judgments and in protecting intellectual property. Further information concerning these and other risks is included in the Company’s Form 10-K and 10-Q filings which, along with other very important information about the Company, can be found here:
The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise such forward-looking statements to reflect new information, events or circumstances occurring after the date of this press release.
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Mentor Capital, Inc.
Chet Billingsley, CEO
(760) 788 - 4700
Source: Mentor Capital, Inc.
Released April 13, 2017